Travel Expense Form T-6

IMPORTANT! If you completed the process to use the new ORF or you have used the new online Travel Expense Form T-6) you DO NOT need to follow the instructions below.  You are ready to submit your Travel Expenses using the new form by following the links at the bottom of this email.

If you have NOT completed the process for using the new online forms, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign into Dynamic Forms here.
  2. Once you have signed into DF immediately logoff by clicking on the little person profile in the top-right corner of your browser and selecting LOG OUT.
  3. Notify Scott Gordy via Teams or Email that you have logged on and then off again.
  4. Wait for Scott to contact you. 🙂

If you have already used the Travel Expense Form or the Order Request Form please follow this link to complete your travel Expense Form.