Marketing and Communications

Welcome to the College of Nursing’s Department of Marketing and Communications!

We offer assistance with:

  • Web and print writing, editing, and creative design projects
  • Event promotion
  • Video Production
  • Strategic Communications
  • Branding
  • Long-term campaign consultation, development, and execution
  • Social media guidelines and assistance


To read our full archive of news stories, please click here.


The College of Nursing sends an electronic newsletter once a year to all alumni and friends who have current e-mail addresses registered with the college. If you are not receiving our newsletter and would like to subscribe, please update your information with us.

The college also mails the annual Vol Nurse Magazine publication out in the fall. To request a copy of the Vol Nurse Magazine fill out this form.


If you are a news media professional with a question or would like to contact someone from the College of Nursing please submit your request using the form below. Please include as much information as possible with your request. All requests will be considered in the order received.

Submit a Media Inquiry


Paid Media: Digital Advertising, Digital Analytics & Support, Creative Collateral, Marketing campaigns/targeted plans

Earned Media: Press Releases/Pitches, Research Publicity/Support, Event Announcements, High Profile Event Coverage

Digital Media: Videography & Photography Support/Creation, Creative Collateral, Website maintenance, e-Newsletters

Print Collateral (external audiences): Marketing and creative consultation, Written creative, Editing services, Design services

Social Media: Content creation, posting, analytics

Logo and Promotional Marketing: building projects, Swag approvals & design, Logo Liaison, Project Management Services, UT Marketing Guidelines consultation and enforcement (including typography, colors, style guide, etc), Freelance recommendations and work for written & digital services, where applicable

Please note that additional costs might be incurred for services.


Our team offers a variety of marketing and creative services to meet your needs. From media coaching and research releases to print, video and web projects and much more, we help you refine your message and reach the audiences you want. Please ask your Marketing & Public Relations representative for more information.

Need help with a project? Fill out a project request form.


Logo guidelines can be found here.

Departments, programs, centers, institutes or other units within the college should not use or create logos or wordmarks of any kind.

Where department unit should be identified on a piece, the department’s name should appear in plain text (preferably Gotham) opposite the College logo. Department name should never appear as part of the College logo. If space is restricted, departments should defer to the College logo alone. Using the Power T alone in conjunction with a name outside of approved lockups or logos is not permitted.

Logo shortcuts with the Power T and the unit name, also available, should only be used for small promotional materials on which the longer form logos are impractical. Examples include pens and flash drives.

The Power T square icon with College or Department abbreviation should ONLY be used as social media icon unless otherwise approved

Never use the university seal. It is reserved for use by the Office of the Chancellor.

If you have further questions about the use of a logo please contact Kara Clark Cardwell at [email protected]


As important as our words are for telling our stories, it is critical that we get them right.

The purpose of these standards is to advise writers and editors on good editorial judgment and decision making and to ensure consistency in our words across university communications. They’re not intended to apply to academic writing, where many areas have a discipline-specific style—for example, American Psychological Association or Council of Science Editors.

As issues arise in your copy editing, check here first for university-approved styling, including information about how to refer to the institution. If the issue isn’t covered here, consult the following guides based on the type of communication.


For all university publications and websites, refer to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.


Chicago’s preferred dictionary is the current edition of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (available by subscription) or its abridged edition Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (free online).

Associated Press

For all news releases, media advisories, and other communications sent directly to news media professionals, refer to the most recent edition of the Associated Press Stylebook.


College of Nursing faculty members are available to provide expert commentary and analysis on a broad range of topics. If you need assistance finding an expert, contact Marketing & PR at 865-974-9498 or [email protected].


You can learn more about the university’s brand guidelines, including typography and color, through UT’s Office of Communications and Marketing.Apparel and giveaway items bearing the college logo and other licensed items must be created using licensed vendors. Lists of licensed marks and vendors are available through the Office of Trademark Licensing.